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Bain & Company Interview Process

About Bain & Company

Founded in 1973 in Boston, Bain & Company has evolved into one of the big three management consulting firms, along with McKinsey and BCG. With overall 61 offices in 35+ countries, Bain & Company offers consulting services in varied industries like Aerospace and defense, aviation, Infrastructure, technology etc

Here’s a breakdown of practice areas:

Bain & Company Interview Process

Interview Process

To become a Bainee, one has to progress through a series of steps in the recruitment process.The whole process of screening and selection till you get an offer letter might take around 4 and 6 weeks with usually 14 days between each step.

Recruiting Channel:

  • Traditional University recruiting route
  • Lateral and Experienced hire route

Make your Resume speak for you

Your resume and cover letter should be lucrative enough to receive a call for an interview and be in those less than 15% of applicants. Yes ,only less than 15%! Impress them with your academic performance and specific individual qualities through your resume.

Telephonic HR interview

The first step in the Bain hiring process is a telephone interview with an HR representative. This interview is a brief overview of your background and experience. The HR representative will ask you questions about your resume and your interest in Bain. They may also ask you some behavioral questions to assess your fit for the company culture.

Alternatively, you may be invited to complete a one-way video interview via Spark Hire. This interview is recorded and will be reviewed by a Bain recruiter. The questions in the one-way video interview will be similar to those asked in the telephone interview. Both the telephone interview and the one-way video interview are important steps in the Bain hiring process. They allow Bain to assess your fit for the company and determine if you are a good candidate for the role.

The Bain & Company Online Test

The Bain & Company online test is designed to assess your ability to read and analyze data, derive insights from those data, and connect those insights with the client's problem. If you do well on this test, it means that you have the skills and abilities that are essential for success as a consultant.

Interview Rounds

The selection process consists of multiple interviews. Experience interview normally lasts to around 10 minutes in which generally 4 types of questions are asked namely:

  • Tell me about Yourself
  • Why Consulting
  • Why Bain
  • Several other behavioral questions

Bonus Tip: You should be prepared to go into details and to explain your answers to all of the above questions. The questions are framed from your answers, so it is important to be able to provide clear and concise explanations.

For example, if you are asked about your experience in data analysis, you should be able to discuss the specific data analysis techniques that you have used, the problems that you have solved using data analysis, and the results of your data analysis. You should also be able to explain how your data analysis skills would be relevant to the role at Bain & Company.

The Case Interview

All consulting (some non-consulting) candidates can expect a case interview.The cases are designed to reflect the challenges that their clients face. In this segment they test your problem solving approach, analytical and creative thinking, how smart you make usage of data to make recommendations, the underlying communication skills while conveying your ideas, and how you suggest implementing those proposals. The Bain & Company has provided certain case scenarios for the interview preparation on their website.

The Bain Written Case Interview

Depending on the office, some candidates are given a written case study. The written case study is a chance to use extra time to demonstrate your problem-solving skills.

Almost near to holding the Offer Letter

After you have successfully completed all of the above stages, the recruiter will ask you if you have any questions about the company culture, the office structure, or anything else. This is your chance to ask any questions that you may have about the role or the company.

If you are happy with the answers to your questions, the recruiter will then extend you an offer letter. Congratulations! You have successfully completed the hiring process and you are now a member of the Bain & Company team.


Q.1: Reasons why Consulting can be a good career opportunity?

Answer: Consulting is a safe bet, where you can have a strong impact while solving most pressing problems faced by Big MNCs. You get a strong exposure to C-Level Execs.

Q.2: Tell me about a time when you led others.

Answer: Define what being a leader means to you, choose a story to share, structure your answer well.

Q.3: Why choose location X?

Answer: Give a mix of work and personal reasons.

Q.4: Explain a challenging situation you encountered when working with someone with an opposing opinion to yours.

Answer: Convincing others is a key thing in consulting, the interviewer wants to make sure that you are capable of the same. The answer can also have an element of empathy, concerns, motivations and emotions of people.

Q.5 : Talk about a time when you had to work to achieve something in a limited period of time that was outside your comfort zone.

Answer: The company wants to know will you be overwhelmed in such situations. Consider giving your reply by an example that fits the situation.

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