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Epiq - Company Profile & Overview


based on 0 Reviews
HQ - New York, USA

About Epiq

Founded in 1988 Ownership Private
India Employee count 1k-5k Global Employee count 5k-10k
Headquarters New York, USA Office Locations Not Available
CEO David C. Dobson Founders Tom W Olofson
Type of Company Foreign MNC Nature of Business B2B
Company Email ID Not Available Website
Founded In 1988
Ownership Private
India Employee Count 1k-5k
Global Employee Count 5k-10k
Headquarters New York, USA
Office Locations Not Available
CEO David C. Dobson
Founders Tom W Olofson
Type Of Company Foreign MNC
Nature Of Business B2B
Company Email ID Not Available

Epiq is a global leader in providing technology-enabled services for the legal and business sectors, focusing on streamlining complex operations like class action and mass tort administration, eDiscovery, regulatory compliance, and bankruptcy matters. Serving law firms, corporations, financial institutions, and government agencies, Epiq aims to reduce costs, increase productivity, and optimize case management for its clients. With nearly three decades of experience, the company combines deep expertise and advanced security measures to protect sensitive data, ensuring high-quality service across its global offices. Epiq's commitment to innovation and client-focused solutions makes it a strategic partner for handling challenging and high-stake legal issues

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Epiq Recruitment Process

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Jobs at Epiq
Data Entry Specialist
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
0-2 Yrs Not Disclosed

Associate Training Specialist
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
0-2 Yrs Not Disclosed

HR Service Delivery Associate
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
1-2 Yrs Not Disclosed
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Epiq Salaries

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