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Koch - Company Profile & Overview


based on 0 Reviews
HQ - Wichita, Kansas, United States

About Koch

Founded in 1940 Ownership Private
India Employee count 1k-5k Global Employee count 5k-10k
Headquarters Wichita, Kansas, United States Office Locations Not Available
CEO Charles Koch Founders Fred C. Koch
Type of Company Foreign MNC Nature of Business B2C | B2B
Company Email ID Not Available Website
Founded In 1940
Ownership Private
India Employee Count 1k-5k
Global Employee Count 5k-10k
Headquarters Wichita, Kansas, United States
Office Locations Not Available
CEO Charles Koch
Founders Fred C. Koch
Type Of Company Foreign MNC
Nature Of Business B2C | B2B
Company Email ID Not Available

Koch Industries, headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, is one of the largest private companies in the United States. Founded by Fred C. Koch in 1940, the company has grown significantly under the leadership of Charles Koch. Koch Industries operates in a diverse range of sectors, including manufacturing, refining, chemicals, and consumer products. It is known for its extensive involvement in both innovative and traditional industries, such as technology investments and resource management. The company emphasizes a principle-based management approach, aiming to create products and services that improve quality of life while promoting sustainable practices​

Koch Reviews

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Koch Recruitment Process

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Jobs at Koch
Data Engineer
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
5-7 Yrs Not Disclosed

Documentation Executive - Cross border
Mumbai Metropolitan Region
2-4 Yrs Not Disclosed

Collection Specialist
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
5-7 Yrs Not Disclosed
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Koch Salaries

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