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Colan Infotech Private Limited - Company Profile & Overview

About Colan

Founded in 2009 (15 yrs old) Ownership Private
India Employee count 201-500 Global Employee count 201-500
Headquarters Chennai, India Office Locations Not Available
CEO Kolandaiveedu Najmul Founders Kolandaiveedu Najmul
Type of Company Corporate Nature of Business Service | B2B
Company Email ID Not Available Website
Founded In 2009 (15 yrs old)
Ownership Private
India Employee Count 201-500
Global Employee Count 201-500
Headquarters Chennai, India
Office Locations Not Available
CEO Kolandaiveedu Najmul
Founders Kolandaiveedu Najmul
Type Of Company Corporate
Nature Of Business Service | B2B
Company Email ID Not Available

Colan Infotech Private Limited is a dynamic software development company committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that drive business growth and innovation. With a focus on excellence and customer satisfaction, Colan Infotech offers a comprehensive range of services, including web and mobile app development, software testing, UI/UX design, and IT consulting. Their team of skilled professionals combines technical expertise with creativity to develop bespoke solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. With a proven track record of successful projects across various industries, Colan Infotech stands as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to harness the power of technology to achieve their goals.

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Colan Recruitment Process

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Jobs at Colan
Full stack Java Developer
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
5-10 Yrs Not Disclosed

Java Developer
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
5-10 Yrs Not Disclosed

Java Developer
Bengaluru East, Karnataka, India
5-10 Yrs Not Disclosed
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Colan Salaries

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Employee Benefits at Colan
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