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Empaxis Data Management - Company Profile & Overview

About Empaxis

Founded in 2004 Ownership Private
India Employee count 1k-5k Global Employee count 5k-10k
Headquarters El Segundo, CA Office Locations Not Available
CEO Not Available Founders Not Available
Type of Company Foreign MNC Nature of Business B2C | B2B
Company Email ID Not Available Website
Founded In 2004
Ownership Private
India Employee Count 1k-5k
Global Employee Count 5k-10k
Headquarters El Segundo, CA
Office Locations Not Available
CEO Not Available
Founders Not Available
Type Of Company Foreign MNC
Nature Of Business B2C | B2B
Company Email ID Not Available

Empaxis Data Management is a specialized service provider offering comprehensive back-office solutions and data management services tailored for the financial sector, particularly asset managers, wealth managers, and hedge funds. Founded on the principle of efficiency and reliability, Empaxis delivers cutting-edge automation and outsourcing solutions that help financial institutions optimize operations and reduce costs. Their services range from daily reconciliation, reporting, and accounting to full-scale back-office management. By leveraging technology and expert knowledge, Empaxis enhances the operational capabilities of its clients, allowing them to focus more on client service and investment management. This approach not only streamlines processes but also ensures accuracy and compliance in the demanding financial landscape.

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Empaxis Recruitment Process

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Jobs at Empaxis
Data Analyst
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
8-15 Yrs Not Disclosed

Data Analyst
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
8-15 Yrs Not Disclosed

Data Analyst
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
8-15 Yrs Not Disclosed
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Empaxis Salaries

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