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Intoude Foundation - Company Profile & Overview

Intoude Foundation

based on 0 Reviews
HQ - Kuwait City, Kuwait

About Intoude

Founded in Not Available Ownership Private
India Employee count Not Available Global Employee count 501-1k
Headquarters Kuwait City, Kuwait Office Locations Not Available
CEO Not Available Founders Not Available
Type of Company Startup Nature of Business Service
Company Email ID Not Available Website Not Available
Founded In Not Available
Ownership Private
India Employee Count Not Available
Global Employee Count 501-1k
Headquarters Kuwait City, Kuwait
Office Locations Not Available
CEO Not Available
Founders Not Available
Type Of Company Startup
Nature Of Business Service
Company Email ID Not Available
Website Not Available

Intoude Foundation is a private startup based in Kuwait City, specializing in HR and recruitment consultancy. Serving over 500 global clients, it offers services across sectors like travel, construction, energy, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, retail, and more. The foundation provides tailored solutions including technical support, data management, and market research, ensuring data integrity and client satisfaction. Committed to professional development, Intoude Foundation offers competitive salaries, flexible schedules, and a supportive work environment that values excellence and teamwork​

Intoude Reviews

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Intoude Recruitment Process

Interview Process

Jobs at Intoude
Data Analyst/Market Researcher
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
0-2 Yrs Not Disclosed

Data Analyst/Market Researcher
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
0-2 Yrs Not Disclosed

Data Analyst/Market Researcher
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
0-2 Yrs Not Disclosed
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Intoude Salaries

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Employee Benefits at Intoude
Office Cab/Shuttl
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