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Smarsh - Company Profile & Overview


based on 0 Reviews
HQ - Portland, Oregon, United States Of America

About Smarsh

Founded in 2001 Ownership Private
India Employee count 1k-5k Global Employee count 5k-10k
Headquarters Portland, Oregon, United States of America Office Locations Not Available
CEO Not Available Founders Not Available
Type of Company Foreign MNC Nature of Business B2B
Company Email ID Not Available Website
Founded In 2001
Ownership Private
India Employee Count 1k-5k
Global Employee Count 5k-10k
Headquarters Portland, Oregon, United States of America
Office Locations Not Available
CEO Not Available
Founders Not Available
Type Of Company Foreign MNC
Nature Of Business B2B
Company Email ID Not Available

Smarsh, founded in 2001, is a pioneering provider of comprehensive archiving and compliance solutions for digital communications. Catering to regulated industries such as finance, government, and healthcare, Smarsh helps organizations securely capture, retain, and retrieve electronic communications to meet regulatory requirements. Its innovative platform supports a wide range of communication channels, including email, social media, and instant messaging, ensuring compliance with industry regulations and internal policies. Smarsh's advanced search and analytics capabilities enable organizations to efficiently manage large volumes of data while mitigating risk and improving productivity. With a focus on security and scalability, Smarsh continues to be a trusted partner for organizations navigating the complexities of digital compliance.

Smarsh Reviews

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Smarsh Recruitment Process

Interview Process

Jobs at Smarsh
Technical Product Manager - Enterprise Archiv...
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3-6 Yrs Not Disclosed

Technical Product Manager - Enterprise Archiv...
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3-6 Yrs Not Disclosed

Technical Product Manager -Application Servic...
Bangalore Urban, Karnataka, India
3-6 Yrs Not Disclosed
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Smarsh Salaries

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