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Tagbox Solutions - Company Profile & Overview

Tagbox Solutions

based on 0 Reviews
HQ - Bangalore,Karnataka, India

About Tagbox

Founded in 2016 Ownership Private
India Employee count 11-50 Global Employee count 11-50
Headquarters Bangalore,Karnataka, India Office Locations Not Available
CEO Not Available Founders Not Available
Type of Company Startup Nature of Business Service | B2B
Company Email ID Not Available Website
Founded In 2016
Ownership Private
India Employee Count 11-50
Global Employee Count 11-50
Headquarters Bangalore,Karnataka, India
Office Locations Not Available
CEO Not Available
Founders Not Available
Type Of Company Startup
Nature Of Business Service | B2B
Company Email ID Not Available

Tagbox Solutions is a company that utilizes advanced technology to enhance supply chain visibility and efficiency. They typically specialize in providing solutions that include real-time tracking, temperature monitoring, and analytics to ensure product quality and safety, particularly in sectors like pharmaceuticals and perishable goods. Their services are designed to help businesses optimize their supply chain operations, reduce losses due to spoilage or damages, and improve overall customer satisfaction by ensuring the integrity and timely delivery of products. If you need more specific details about Tagbox Solutions' offerings, services, or recent developments, I could look up the latest information for you.

Tagbox Reviews

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Tagbox Recruitment Process

Interview Process

Jobs at Tagbox
Head Accounts
Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India
15-17 Yrs Not Disclosed

Head Accounts
Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India
15-17 Yrs Not Disclosed

Head Accounts
Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India
15-17 Yrs Not Disclosed
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Tagbox Salaries

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Employee Benefits at Tagbox
Office Cab/Shuttl
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On-Site Exposure
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