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Vikas Kochhar & Associates - Company Profile & Overview

About Vikas

Founded in 1989 Ownership Private
India Employee count 1k-5k Global Employee count 5k-10k
Headquarters New Delhi, Delhi Office Locations Not Available
CEO Not Available Founders Not Available
Type of Company Indian MNC Nature of Business Service | B2C | B2B
Company Email ID Not Available Website
Founded In 1989
Ownership Private
India Employee Count 1k-5k
Global Employee Count 5k-10k
Headquarters New Delhi, Delhi
Office Locations Not Available
CEO Not Available
Founders Not Available
Type Of Company Indian MNC
Nature Of Business Service | B2C | B2B
Company Email ID Not Available

Vikas Kochhar & Associates is a distinguished accounting and consulting firm that provides a wide range of professional services. Specializing in audit, tax, and advisory solutions, the firm caters to businesses across various industries. With a commitment to excellence and integrity, Vikas Kochhar & Associates delivers personalized and effective strategies to help clients navigate complex financial landscapes, optimize performance, and achieve compliance. Their team of experienced professionals is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of service, leveraging deep industry knowledge and technical expertise to offer insights that drive sustainable growth and operational efficiency for their clients.

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Vikas Recruitment Process

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Jobs at Vikas
Account Team Lead
Mohali District, Punjab, India
4-7 Yrs Not Disclosed

Account Team Lead
Mohali District, Punjab, India
4-7 Yrs Not Disclosed

Associate accounts and audit
New Delhi, Delhi, India
1-3 Yrs Not Disclosed
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Vikas Salaries

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Office Cab/Shuttl
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